Fire Suppression Systems are commonly used on heavy power equipment. Suppression systems use a combination of dry chemicals and/or wet agents to suppress equipment fires. Suppression systems have become a necessity to several industries as they help control damage and loss to equipment. Common means of detection are through heat sensors, wiring, or manual detection (depending on system selection).
A fire sprinkler or sprinkler head is the component of a fire sprinkler system that discharges water when the effects of a fire have been detected, such as when a predetermined temperature has been exceeded. Fire sprinklers can be automatic or open orifice. Automatic fire sprinklers operate at a predetermined temperature, utilizing a fusible element, a portion of which melts, or a frangible glass bulb containing liquid which breaks, allowing the plug in the orifice to be pushed out of the orifice by the water pressure in the fire sprinkler piping, resulting in water flow from the orifice. The water stream impacts a deflector, which produces a specific spray pattern designed in support of the goals of the sprinkler type (i.e., control or suppression). Modern sprinkler heads are designed to direct spray downwards. Spray nozzles are available to provide spray in various directions and patterns. The majority of automatic fire sprinklers operate individually in a fire.
Fire Suppression System in Datacenter is considered with Simultaneous Flooding in the following areas:
- Room Void.
- Ceiling Void (Above False ceiling).
- Floor Void (Below False flooring, If available).
This type of installation gives each detector on a system an individual number, or address. Thus, analog addressable detectors allow a fire alarm control panel, and therefore fire fighters, to know the exact location of an alarm. In certain systems, a graphical representation of the building is provided and the exact location of the alarm can indicated on the diagram. Analog addressable systems are usually more expensive than conventional non-addressable systems, and offer extra options, such as a custom level of sensitivity(sometimes called Day/Night mode) and contamination detection from the main panel that allows determination of a wide range of faults. Panels can also be interconnected to control a very large number of detectors in many other buildings commonly used in hospitals, universities, resorts and similar large centers.
ManTech offer supply, Installation, testing, commissioning as well as maintenance services for all types of fire alarm panels, smoke detector, heat detector, carbon monoxide detector (CO) , carbon dioxide detector, combi-detectors, multi-criteria detectors, control and monitor modules, isolator modules, hooters & strobes, Manual call points